‘Within the Archaeological Body’
The ensemble of these pieces has been developed from the same performance ‘The 12 movements’
This performance ensue from digging deeply into my Archaeological body, memory structure and reminiscent sensations. Beginning from the moment where I started to feel my memories in the movement, to the completion of a multi-embodied space. The twelve movements are the foundations of my choreographic practice, they have been categories through a theoretical lens, whereas the performance is the reflection of a practice process.
Dance is a safe place where I allow my body to be taken by the flow, to be steeped in the nostalgia of my memories. To be put in this vulnerable state creates an Archaeological site for me. Through repetition of the sequence, selfcousciousness is peeled of the body. Each successive loop explore more deeply the tension of movements or positions, it pushes further the tenuous border between body and space, until the body snap.
The essence of The 12 movements is explored in the work through mediums of drawing, sound and sculpture; painting on the acrylic surface with heat, gliding the charcoal on the paper or collecting the echo of my heartbeat. They all exhibit the ephemeral remains of my body.
Altogether, Within the Archaeological Body is a palimpsest, using the viewer as a conduit for the twelve movements to take place.
The 12 Movements Projection:Video documentation of performance, 4.10 mins
On Shapes Drawing: Charcoal on paper
13 Specimen Installation: Heated acrylic sheet and transducer speaker system